Entrepreneurial Mindset at Fab Lab ICC
This class explores the eight life's lessons that make entrepreneurs successful and how these lessons can make us better problem solvers in our professional, student and personal lives.
Next class: Aug 12, 2021 through Sep 30, 2021; Thursdays 6PM to 8 PM at Fab Lab ICC with optional enhanced Zoom registration available for distance participants.
Click HERE to view/download flyer.

Class sessions will include:
Visits from successful entrepreneurs in our area
Exploration of our own problem-solving ideas
Discussions about the eight life's lessons of entrepreneurship and how they will benefit you no matter what's in your future.
In addition to class-time, each week there will be an average of 60 minutes of video content to watch on your own before class. There are no heavy reading or extensive writing assignments.
Registration will be accepted through Aug 12th. Perfect attendance is not required. Those that can attend at least 6 of the 8 class sessions (and/or watch the recording of the session) will be able to keep up.
The cost of the class is $165 with an early bird discount of $15 through July 31, 2021, and a $25 instant rebate from IBRC*. ($125 payable on or before July 31.)
After July 31, the $25 instant rebate from IBRC still applies so up-front registration is $140.
Upon successful completion** of the class, you may request an additional $50 rebate making your cost for the class just $75.
By registering here, you may choose credit card option to pay now or request invoice and pay anytime between now and July 31. Choose the "Live and In Person" or "Enhanced Zoom" option at the time of registration.
*IBRC-Innovative Business Resource Center is the local not-for-profit group with a mission of helping entrepreneurs.
**The rebate is for those who complete the class work successfully and whose class fees come out-of-pocket. Successful completion means:
Attending at least 6 of the 8 sessions
Completing at least 80% of the quizzes at the end of each of eight life's lessons
Completing at least 80% of the one-paragraph Reflection and Response assignments
Completing the 1 - 2-page personal vision statement at the end of the course
- Completing the final Opportunity Discovery Canvas
- Completing all the above on or before October 15, 2021 and submitting the Rebate Request form also by October 15.
A limited number of need-based scholarships are available. For more information, contact Jim Correll, jcorrell@indycc.edu.