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RREDI Project
EPIIC Program
The National Science Foundation (NSF) granted Independence Community College (ICC) the opportunity to introduce Enabling Partnerships to Increase Innovation Capacity (EPIIC) with our project title “Raising Rual Economic Development and Innovation (RREDI)”. Our goal is to impact students, families, and community members with “best practices” for advancing knowledge and understanding through higher education to increase economic development and innovation in rural areas. Incorporating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) curriculum with the Kansas Educational Standards positions our program to pave the pathway for individuals' education involving hands on learning.
This program is designed to develop socio-economic areas with utilization exposure of higher education for students, families, and to our community. We are focused on building relationships by using collaboration inside and outside of our rurally located institutions to network evidence-based programs into economic development. Our focus for collaboration with inside institutions is to strengthen communication and sustain facilitation. Collaboration with outside institutions is to connect with industries and individual entrepreneurs to show growth outside of the norm of one's community. Our project “RREDI” aims to help one rural area(s) to another to innovate and build socio-economic development through strategic academics and industry partnerships. ICC serves the best interests of students and the community by providing academic excellence while promoting cultural enrichment and economic development.
By prioritizing partnerships and evidence-based practices, the RREDI project at ICC goes beyond traditional education in various ways. Utilizing the EPIIC program provides education but also creating a foundation for long-term socio-economic growth and diversity. This approach ensures that the benefits of education extend beyond the classroom and contribute to broader community development for meaningful substantial real-world experiences. It’s a powerful model for leveraging higher education.
HELPFUL LINKS To request EPIIC Services, please fill out EPIIC School Services Form